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Friday, April 11, 2008

ACLA letter of condemnation

March 24, 2008

Diane Lloyd,
Chairperson Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB,
1994 Fisher Drive,
Peterborough, ON
K9J 6X6

Dear Ms. Lloyd,

The Asian Canadian Labour Alliance strongly condemns the racist and derogatory comments recently made by school trustee Gordon Gilchrist. His comments represent a significant low in race relations not only for residents of the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School lake community but for communities across the Province of Ontario. Due to the racist nature of his comments ACLA believes that an appropriate remedy for his actions is for the Board to ask for his immediate resignation.

Mr. Gilchrist’s comments continue a long tradition of racist and anti-immigrant sentiments that have been exhibited by elected officials across this province. Whether it’s the cuts to adult ESL programs, threats to terminate the sole elementary school with dedicated ESL programs for recent immigrants, and constant threats to funding programs for new immigrants, his comments when examined in conjunction with these actions creates a climate where significant members of our community feel excluded and unwelcomed. If this school board is interested in proving otherwise then it would take the first steps to show its commitment to racialized communities and immigrants by demanding his resignation.

Furthermore we believe that his continued presence and participation on this school board represents a significant violation of the Ontario Human Rights code and your own equity and diversity policy. In consultation with the local community, ACLA may be interested in pursuing further action at the OHRC level.

Finally Anti-Oppression training seems to be in order for members of both your staff and your elected officials. To remedy this situation, ACLA can provide ample support with resources and resource people to assist your efforts if you choose to accept this offer.

We trust that the School Board will handle this matter with the utmost integrity and transparency that is owed to its constituency and the boarder community. Please feel free to contact me should you wish to discuss this letter further. You can reach me at ***-***-****.


Chris Ramsaroop
Vice President
Asian Canadian Labour Alliance

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