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Tuesday, July 07, 2009


**in support of **Justice for Live-in Caregivers and
Temporary Foreign Workers!*

We are a network of workers, advocates and community allies who are calling for fundamental changes to the federal Live-in Caregiver Program (LCP) and other Temporary Foreign Worker Programs (TFWP).

Please join us as we call for real protections and landed status NOW for all Temporary Foreign Workers!

There will be music, performers and speakers! Refreshment provided! Bring your family!

*DATE:* Sunday, July 5, 2009
*TIME:* 1-5pm
*LOCATION:* Parkette beside Food Basics, main intersection at Wellesley St. E. and Ontario St.
*CONTACT:* Pura Velasco, 416.361.6319; or Mary Auxi Guiao, 416.320.4486


Canada is a country of immigrants. It continues to need immigrants to sustain growth in its economic and cultural life.

Over the last 30 years, the failure of our federal and provincial governments to adequately address the gaps in Canadian immigration and labour policy has led to the systemic discrimination and exploitation of migrant workers, including caregivers under the LCP and others under TFWP.

Our communities do not want the growth of Canada, as a nation, to be based on the systemic discrimination and exploitation of migrant workers!

We are calling for the following changes:

- A RIGHT TO LANDING STATUS be granted upon arrival for live-in caregivers and other temporary foreign workers (TFW); they must not be tied to one employer, be required to live in their employer?s home, or be subject to further medical examination;
- A RIGHT TO EQUAL ACCESS for all social programs, including Employment Insurance, health care, settlement services, social services and Workers? Compensation;
- A RIGHT TO A FAIR APPEAL PROCESS for live-in caregivers and other TFW prior to a pre-removal order, and a stop to deportations until this process is in place;
- A RIGHT TO FULL PROTECTION UNDER THE PROVINCIAL EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ACT AND REGULATIONS currently enjoyed by Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents, including NO FEES for any work placement.

Organized by the Coalition for Change: Live-in Caregivers and Temporary Foreign Workers

Organizations that endorse this rally include: Adhika-Philippine Development Concerns, Caregivers Action Centre, Caregivers' Connection, Colour of Poverty Campaign, CAW- Canada, Community Alliance for Social Justice, Filipino Centre-Toronto, Filipino Migrant Workers' Movement, Filipino Ministerial Fellowship, Gateway Centre for New Canadians, Good Jobs for All Coalition, Independent Workers
Association, Justicia for Migrant Workers, Migrante-Ontario, No One is Illegal-Toronto, Parkdale Community Legal Services, Santiaginian Association of Ontario, Silayan Community Centre, Sisters of Colour Collective, Support Enhance Access Services Centre Filipino Program, United Food and Commercial Workers-Canada, United Steelworkers and Workers? Action Centre.

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